Thursday, January 24, 2008

A fan just pierced my thigh...

By Subhash K Jha"There's a very thin line dividing adulation from abuse. Those who adore us stars can also get excessively insistent and abusive," says Anupam reacting to Govinda's violent outburst.Anupam has his own horror story of excessive fan zeal. "Recently in Baroda while I was moving through a crowd a man just pierced my thigh with a bobbin. I was stunned and bleeding. Luckily I had the presence of mind to catch the man's hand. I asked him just one question. 'Why?' The man just looked at me scared and confused. Fans sometimes don't know where to draw the line. With the heroines it's even worse. On so many occasions while shooting in public places the crowd has got over-familiar and started passing filthy comments about actresses.Why is that a mob incites to behave badly? I'm sure those molestors on New Year's Eve at Juhu would've remained civil if they hadn't been together in a crowd." Recalling another incident nearer home Anupam shudders, "I was caught in a Ganapti procession in Mumbai. First the passersby just saw me in my car, smiled and waved. As time passed they got aggressive and began to pound on my car windows and jump on my bonnet.It was really scary. At times like these it's very difficult to keep your cool."For all those who have been wondering where Anupam Kher has been after the Govinda slapping incident broke out, the man for the first time in his career has been unreachable on the phone."I'm shooting in Madhya Pradesh for me and Satish Kaushik's production Hawai Dada. And there's no network here. I came to know about Govinda's only on Friday morning. It's unfortunate. I'm against physical violence of ant kind. But let me also add that Govinda isn't the kind of person who loses his temper easily.I've shot innumerable films with him. I've seen him remain calm through the worst of crisis. The provocation has to be really severe for him to have reacted the way he did. Having said that I repeat, resorting to violence is no remedy specially when you're in the limelight.I learnt this the hard way."Anupam recalls his own much-quoted incidence of physical violence against a journalist many years ago. "It was a very unfortunate incident, and I apologized publicly. No matter what the provocation it's wrong to get physical."

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